Seduction Roadmap Audio Case Study!

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Hi Jon,

Thanks for releasing the seduction roadmap to everyone. I just wanted to say that after taking the course, I have improved my ability to talk about sexual subjects. And have improved the way I communicate and convey sexual subjects. I am more confident using sexual teases and showing that I have a sexual intent that is normal and natural. Before I was more nervous and thought when I said something sexual I was being extreme or saying something totally crazy and even anti-social. Thats clearly not true, and now its more in my comfort zone to say sexual things. I found the first two lessons to be really helpful.

I believe that if I can improve my skills in group dynamics and gaining group approvals etc, my real world results will skyrocket. This weekend I was nearly laid 4 times over in two nights, and used materials directly from this course. I found many of the exercises very helpful. In honesty I am still only about halfway through the course, so I haven’t even finished yet (I am doing the course at my own pace). I have found the product helpful, and makes clear a subject that before I have found pretty confusing!


- Johnny

Hey Sinn,

I wanted to tell you about a same night lay that I had this weekend. I visited Dallas for a conference and after the conference ended I went to the hotel bar for a drink. I met a woman that was also at the conference at the bar and we started talking. An hour later we had sex in my hotel room. It was so easy. It just happened.

Basically the way it worked was guy meets girl -> guy follows Sinn’s sexual roadmap -> guy has sex with girl an hour later.
All this time things that I learned in your sexual roadmap were popping up in my head and I simply followed your instructions. The sexual framing, sexual cold reads, things a woman should know about you before having sex with you, etc.

At one point, while things started to heat up in the room, she showed signs of not wanting to have sex, shaking her head, saying to herself: ‘what am I doing’. I remembered that you said that women are usually ready for sex 15 minutes later than guys. So I figured, I want sex, she’s not ready yet, let’s wait 15 minutes. I slowed down and 5 minutes later she was all over me.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You are one of the major factors that turned me from a lame guy (with women) to a Pick-Up Artist. I’m a living proof that your system works.

Keep up the good work. Thanks man.

Seduction Roadmap program is the most comprehensive program I have come across, in any field for that matter. I did have to work on some of my beliefs, because of my religous backgrounds and conservative parents. This program is so powerful that I could now have conversations about sex, and anything related to it, especially with women I am attracted to. I have been applying it step by step and can just feel a growth in me and my attitude. Recently I went on a date with a “conservative” girl, and when I went I told her a funny sex story, she didn’t just have a laugh, but she looked upto to me as someone who is also very mature.

I still have a few things that I’m working on, but I am working on all that and am confident its going to get better and easier.

- Arjun Mishra

Hey sinn,

Ever since I have attended the seduce road program, I have mastered my attraction game. Before I took the seduction roadmap course, I was having trouble getting attraction and moving the interaction forward. Now after focusing on my sticking points and getting over them. I ended up getting my first same night lay since I took the seduction roadmap course. One technique that sinn taught me got a girl saying “ok we need to go have sex now”.
Not only am I getting more numbers, lays I am a lot more relaxed on dates. This product is differently worth every penny and will change your dating life foreve

- The Trum

The seduction roadmap is the real deal. My game has always faltered when it came to getting girls into bed, and because of this I went into this program laying eight girls in the previous year. I saw immediate results after using some of the content in this program, and in the following three months I laid eight girls- two of those being same night lays. I never thought that I’d reach a level where I could meet a random girl, and have her in bed with me that night. This program literally took my game and put it on steroids. The content is well thought out, and easily understood by anyone. I definitely got my money worth with this program, and I’m excited to master all of the tools and concepts and see how it changes my life.

- Rick

After taking the seduction roadmap I was able to get my first second date lay. It was amazing to see how she physically and emotionally responded when I applied the tactics and techniques of the seduction roadmap. Once she felt comfortable sharing her sexuality, whether it be through her words or her actions, I saw a side to women that I never thought existed. Prior to this, the earliest I had ever had sex with a girl was two months into the relationship because I never knew what to do to make sex happen. Thanks to the seduction
roadmap, I now have a plan and feel confident in having sex with her when I want to and NOT the other way around.

- Greg


I have now completed you Seduction Roadmap Program. One word–"value"–sums up my experience so far.

During the last few years, I’ve looked into a number of different “methods” if you will–all the major ones. Yours definitely ranks as one of the top few I can confidently recommend to a real friend. I live in Los Angeles (which is supposed to be a very tough place for singles), and I’ve traveled all over the country.
Your advice works, period. I’m never 10 for 10 (let’s be realistic), but I can tell you that I’m consistently closer to 10 than 1. I’m shocked myself sometimes.

There was a time when pickup seemed a lot like work to me. Your knowledge has played a huge part in getting me to where I am today–I’m genuinely having fun with women. I’m almost too comfortable. It seems like the more fun I have, the better things keep getting. Women really do react to the concepts you teach, so unless the word turns upside-down tomorrow, I’m going to be having fun for a long time.

- Drew (Los Angeles)

One of my main sticking points as always been to make things more sexual in an interaction. What the seduction roadmap has done is pretty much given me the tools to sprinkle the entire interaction with sexual tension and a playfulness that implies sexual intent. The techniques Jon teaches allows you to pretty much guide how the interaction is going and the direction you want to take it. Instead of just being that guy that is just fluff talking to girls without any real direction about how to make it more intimate, now I’m almost unconsciously pushing every interaction into a more sexual direction. After looking at products and teaching style of some other people, they pale in comparison to Jon because he teaches in such a clear and simple style that its hard not to implement what you learn in pretty much all your interactions in everyday situations. The frames he teaches has allowed me to put the girl I’m attracted to in a position that allows me the initiative in the interaction and to make her more aggressive in the interaction, in the best way possible.


Sinn promises that he delivers the most content per minute, and he does not fail to do so in his seduction roadmap. This program helps reframe your disadvantages and insecurities into qualities you can be proud of. What I like about this program is that, as well as providing overall themes, for seduction, it also provides solid lines; this is great if you often run out for things to say. I have been through tons of pickup material and self help books, and I can
honestly say that Sinn’s contents is the FASTEST way to get from where you are, to where you want to be.

Thank you


Hey Jon

I just wanted to write in and give you my success story. I was very nervous at first but I went over your material a couple of times. Since I’ve finished the Seduction Roadmap program I’ve had 11 dates with 6 of them resulting in sex.
I’ve gotten more phone numbers when I go out from the boost in confidence.
A lot of my success has come from sexually teasing them and cold reads. I used your cold read about how society judges women more and most guys don’t understand that women are more sexual than men, it’s just how they express it is socially ridiculed by society and they feel uncomfortable about it. This cold read alone got me my first ever same night lay! When I told her that, she asked if I would think bad of her if she had sex with me that night! Thanks Jon for such a great program!

- Walter

One of my biggest sticking points has been how to sexualize the interactions. Usually, after talking for more than 20 minutes, conversations fizzled and girls left me. I purchased the Seduction Roadmap because I thought it would teach me how to sexualize the interactions properly. Each week we received a recording of a training call. That’s a good thing if you apply the new knowledge acquired during the following week. I disciplined myself to do that and on the third week something unexpected happened to me. A woman asked me for the first time to go home with her! One of the side effects of applying the Seduction Roadmap is that some girls rejected me faster but the ones who were interested were all over me.
Some of them even invited me to have a drink. After three months of applying the Seduction Roadmap I feel sexually liberated, more comfortable around women and vice versa. Some of them even confess me their dirty little secrets!

Kind regards,

- Albert (from Madrid, Spain)

The Seduction Roadmap has brought be life changing results with women. I have been in the community for over a year and prior to the training I had only 3 lays. After just 2 months of implementing the roadmap I got 3 lays. That means I accelerated my learning curve by about 10 months!

Let me tell you my most recently encounter. I met a beautiful brunette with blue eyes and big bust over 4th of july weekend. After just implementing a few things from the seduction roadmap such as sexual cold reading and sexual framing I had this following me around the bar.

A major turning point was something that I have only heard from the seduction roadmap. When I made sexual statements of “you are turning me on right now you need to stop” the girl literally grabbed me and started making out with me. Whats even more bizarre is that after continuing the steps of the seduction
roadmap the girl was begging me to come with her and “watch a movie.” I am sure you know how that turned out.

Thanks to Sinn I pretty much had the best 4th of July weekend ever and I am still getting amazing results from only a short period of time.

thanks Jon!